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Whimsy Stamps - Sympathy So Deeply Sorry Clear Stamps #1Whimsy Stamps - Sympathy So Deeply Sorry Clear Stamps #2Whimsy Stamps - Sympathy So Deeply Sorry Clear Stamps #3

Whimsy Stamps - Sympathy So Deeply Sorry Clear Stamps

Clearly Whimsy Stamps Collection "Sympathy So Deeply Sorry" designed by Deb Davis - Amped2Stamp for Whimsy Stamps. When you can't find the right words, these sentiments can help you express your condolences. Heartfelt sympathy sentiments for those who have endured the loss of loved ones. High quality photopolymer clear stamps, use with an acrylic block Approximate size in inches: 4 x 6 polymer sheet.
Price: £12.00
10.00 - exc. VAT

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