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Waffle Flower - Shader Brush 2 - 10/pk #1Waffle Flower - Shader Brush 2 - 10/pk #2Waffle Flower - Shader Brush 2 - 10/pk #3

Waffle Flower - Shader Brush 2 - 10/pk

This is the original version of our Shader Brushes. These brushes allow you to achieve beautiful results using a variety of techniques from laying down multiple layers of color to defining edges to shading. For best results, apply in a "drag-n-lift" or "flicking" motion. What's Included - 10 x Shader 2 (1/2" flat tip). Other Details - Ten brushes per set, Vegan synthetic bristles, Gold ferrule, Pearl White lacquer handle. Also available: Sampler Pack, Shader 0 (10/pk), Shader 1 (10/pk), Shader 3 (10/pk)
Price: £23.50
19.58 - exc. VAT

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