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My Favorite Things - SY It's a Mice Time to Celebrate #1My Favorite Things - SY It's a Mice Time to Celebrate #2My Favorite Things - SY It's a Mice Time to Celebrate #3

My Favorite Things - SY It's a Mice Time to Celebrate

These mice from Stacey Yacula are of the "Eek! So cute!" variety rather than the "Eek! Jump on a chair!" variety. Not only are they completely adorable and utterly huggable, they're also party ready wearing hats, bearing gifts, and excited to enjoy a tasty cake. Stacey's inimitable style means this set will fill an unexplored niche in your collection of birthday-themed supplies.
Price: £13.50
11.25 - exc. VAT

Product ID mft-MFT-1464
My Favorite Things - SY It's a Mice Time to Celebrate  Die-namics
1 of 3
19.58 - exc. VAT

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